We work with stars to unleash the power of digital communities.

The Big Picture

Catch Up Quick

With the rise of digital platforms and social media, the relationship between artists and their fans has evolved.

While artist's have always monetized through fandom, today fans increasingly prefer media that offers active engagement over passive engagement.

Why it matters.

Passive forms of media engagement, like listening or viewing, are dying.

In addition, artists lose close to 90% of the revenue they generate through traditional business models.

Fans favor active engagement, like socializing or playing, impacting the number of ways in which artists can meaningfully monetize going forward.

How it works.

Rich engagement drives fandom but active engagement breeds fandom.

Artist's will need to increase the amount of rich engagement opportunities for their fans. As a media form, games provide the most active engagement hours of any entertainment product, nearly 2.5 times that of music alone.

Go Deeper.

We're creating in the richest media form.

By creating custom games as a form of media, artists have the opportunity to provide fans with a renewable place to actively engage with their IP.

We believe in a kind of game that provides an authentic way for artists to monetize their fandom and directly engage with fans in a thriving digital ecosystem, bypassing the limitations and middlemen of traditional business models.

The Big Picture

Maximum Engagement:

Engagement Potential is the sum of all rich engagement opportunities that can be made available to fans. All engagement opportunities generally fall into one of these 5 categories :

The Rise of Artist-Games

Rich media captures more value, and is here to stay.

In 2020, the global music industry generated $22 billion in revenue compared to the $175 billion in revenue that gaming industry.

As the music industry and the game industries continue to overlap, music and games will become more seamlessly integrated into new and innovative experiences, resulting in a much larger media industry as a whole.

Fandom Creates Kingdoms

An artist's IP has always been monetized through fandom.  

Today, fandom is best monetized by using brand IP to create active engagement opportunities for fans.

As a media form, games  offer the most rich and active engagement possibility than any other form of media, and will be the most fertile way for an artist to monetize their IP going forward.